
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wordy Tuesdays- The first Ten.

So I'm going to try out a new thing for the next couple of weeks. See, I'm trying to study to take the ACT again and to help study, I'm learning new words.

And because I believe that its always good to learn new words and that using different words can help enrich your writing, I'm going to share ten (hopefully new!) words every Tuesday and write a sentence using them. And then every Tuesday, we'll see ten new words and review last week's words.

So let's get started.

*Note: Blogger was being weird when I completed this blog post and wouldn't let me add anything at the bottom without messing up the numbers, so I'm putting what I meant to be at the bottom of this list, here. 


  1. Lusus Naturae[loo-suhs nuh-toor-ee, -tyoor-ee]- n. A deformed person or thing; freak. 
    1. Variant felt like a lusus naturae when people made fun of her name. 
  2. Telesthesia[tuhl-uhs-thee-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh]- N. sensation or perception received at a distance without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs.
    1. Juan was gifted with telesthesia, which allowed him to guess the answers to his test from reading his teacher's mind. 
  3. Ignoramus[ig-nuh-rey-muhs, -ram-uhs]- N. an extremely ignorant person.
    1. The kid who did not study for the history test was cleary an ignoramus
  4. Thaumaturgy[thaw-muh-tur-jee]- N. the working of wonders or miracles; magic.
    1. Harry Potter was knew how to use thaumaturgy because he was a wizard. 
  5. Tellurian[te-loor-ee-uhn]- Adj. of or characteristic of the earth or its inhabitants;terrestrial.
    1. Trees are a tellurian part of the world. 
  6. Antediluvian[an-tee-di-loo-vee-uhn]- Adj. of or belonging to the period before the Flood. Gen. 7, 8.
    very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated;primitive: antediluvian ideas.
    1. The fashion styles of the 1700s are now antediluvian compared to today's fashion ideals. 
  7. Ephemeral[ih-fem-er-uhl]- Adj. lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory: the ephemeral joys of childhood.
    lasting but one day: an ephemeral flower.
    1. Horse flies are ephemeral creatures. 
  8. Chimerical[ki-mer-i-kuhl, -meer-, kahy-]- Adj. unreal; imaginary; visionary: a chimerical terrestrial paradise.
    wildly fanciful; highly unrealistic: a chimerical plan.
    1. Back before the 1960s, the idea that man would walk on the moon was a chimerical idea. 
  9. Quixotic[kwik-sot-ik]- Adj. sometimes initial capital letter resembling or befitting DonQuixote.
    extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical,or impracticable.
    impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.
    1. The extravagant decoration of the birthday hall was quite quixotic with the balloons that spilled out over the chairs and the glitter thrown every where. 
  10. Amaranthine[am-uh-ran-thin, -thahyn]- Adj. of or like the amaranth.
    unfading; everlasting: a woman of amaranthine loveliness.
    of purplish-red color.
    1. There is said to be a jellyfish that is amaranthine for whenever it 'dies' it is 'reborn' into a new jellyfish.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Interesting Facts- The Nine Animal Phylums

So since I saved my biology notes from last year, I'm going to share what the nine phylums of the animal kingdom are. 

First of all, what is a phylum? 

A Phylum is one of the major categories in Taxonomy (the study of living creatures) in which animals are divided. There are seven categories in which to organize the animals:  Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species (from biggest to the most specific). 

 There's actually a funny way I remembered those. So at the beginning of biology last year when we were just learning about these, I had gotten a henna tattoo in the shape of a fish with a cross in the middle at the state fair. And for some reason, I put one of the categories on each point of the tattoo so when I remembered it, I would tap that part in that order. 
I know its really weird, but I'm a very visual person. And sometimes its using weird tricks like that, that will help you remember things more.

The Nine Phylums

Contain pores (Porifera); lives in water, most primitive, sessik
Stinging cells; aquatic; tentacles
Jellyfish, hydras, coral
Flat worms
Tape worms; plamranian; flukes
Round worms (remember the Nematodes from Spongebob that ate his house?)
Trichira; hook worms, asckarid
Soft bodies; tentacles, shells (most); suction cups
Clam, squid, snail
Segmented worms
Earth worms, leech, sand worms
Many jointed appendages; legs; exoskeleton; antenna; feelers; claws
Insects; spiders; lobsters
Spiney skin; (ocean) water muscular system
Starfish, sand dollar, sea urchins
Backbone (notocord) (Cordata, Cor like in cord, or backbone like a cord); skeleton;
Reptiles, Amphidians, mammals, fish, birds, humans

So there's a nice chart that hopefully is easy to understand. In future posts, I'll explore each phylum in more depth (provided I still have my notes for it! Or I can find information on the internet about them) and eventually I'll post about human biology.

My biology notes
