
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Announcements and Updates! Including an Author Website!

Hey Ya'll!

Just making an announcement that I'm making an author website for a class and I'll be adding a link to the top of the blog when I'm done. It'll be on Wordpress and I'll be posting official book updates there and special content!

Nanowrimo is coming up! If you sign up, I'm on there as Sareh Q. Add me!

My friend Jelsa published her first book, Picture Imperfect, through Swoon Reads! You can check it out on her blog, on Goodreads, or buy it on Amazon (which you totally should!! Its not even that expensive, so go for it!).

I've been on this writing site, Inkitt, for a while now. I have the first two chapters of Sword of Clouds up on it. But if you're looking for a new writing site, I recommend it! Its simple and easy to use. Plus there's a copy and paste lock and all the writing is vetted by editors before being allowed to post so most of it is pretty good!

Several of my friends and people they know started this really great blog, The Book Creators, and you should totally check out their twitter too!

Also, recently, HarperCollin's other writer's website (you might remember Inkpop) Authonomy is closed. Also, another writer's website that was on my radar, Valorpen (or Hexbound has it was first called) is also closed. My sympathy to those affected by the closings.

That's mostly about it for now so stay tuned for more excitement as always!
