
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dot dash dot dash dash dot dot dot dot dash dash dash dash dash dot

Ok that post title is V E R Y  long, I know but it is Morse code for something (try to solve it, its only one word). And I found this real cool chart that kinda explains why a is DOT-DASH and s is DOT-DOT-DOT. That is off to the right if you want to check it out and decode messages in this post.
First a vocab lesson......
A dot is a dit and a dash is a dah.
Not too complicated. Well it is, it can only be understood by high skill listeners. Do you think you can stand there and decode this:

-. --- | .. | -.. --- -. | - | - .... .. -. -.- | -.-- --- ..- | -.-. .- -. | ..--.. |
I can't even, and I'm the one who made it!

Morse code was made in 1836 when Samuel Morse devolved this telegraph system. It was developed so operators could translate the indentations marked on the paper tape. It became something of regular use in the 20's and was started being use by pilots.

Now try to solve these using a decoder (not a translator).

-.-- --- ..- | .- .-. . | .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. | -... .. .-. -.. ... | --- ..-. | .- | .-- .-. .. - .
Dash dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot     dot dash dash dot dash dot dot dot    dot dash dash dot dash dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dash dot

-. . ...- . .-. | ..-. --- .-. --. . - | - --- | .-. . -- . -... . .-. 
Good Luck!


  1. This is so cool! :D
    dot dot dot...*tries to think of something and fails*
    Although, why didn't the blog show me you posted this when I came on? O.o Hm...interesting.

  2. I don't know either. I got on and it wasn't post either so I had to re post it

  3. Huh interesting. I'll have to check the posting thing and see if something's off. By the way, I love the title. :D


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