
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get Published! (Another writing contest alert)

Amazon's 2012 Breakthrough Novel Award is happening! Or, going to. The contest opens for submission in the General Fiction (novels intended for 17 and older) and the YA categories on Jan. 23 midnight to Feb. 5. They are only open to 5,000 entries each.

To enter you must have

  1.  A completed novel (50k words to 150k)
  2. A pitch up to 300 words
  3. An excerpt of your novel up to 5k but no less than 3k (excluding table of contents, prefaces, etc)
  4. personal information on the entry form. 
You must be at least 13 to enter and if you are not yet 18 you must have your parents or a guardian's permission to enter. To read more click RULES (caps for you should go read this) and official contest rules. (bold for you should go read this). 

Grand prizes includes:
  1. A free publishing contract with Penguin publishing house
  2. a $15,000 dollar advance. 
And there's some other prizes but they are not as cool as that. I told my mom and she was like, "you could pay for college with that money!" Yeah mom, that's exactly what I want to use that money for. (note the sarcasm). But she has a point, if I spent it on college, I could go to a decent college. Or pay off most of my debt. 

I'm going to enter whatever book I get done first. Either Night Lies or The Cursing. And I'm going to need help editing it. Maybe my friends and teachers can help?

ANYWAYS. That's all I got for tonight. Finals week people. Shoot. I hate finals. HATE IT. (But secretly love it cause no homework and half days!)



  1. Good luck, whatever book you enter! I won't be entering because there's no way I'll be done editing my book by the deadline.

    Ugh, it's finals week for me too. I hate it. (Okay, I love having a full, quiet half hour to read when I finish my history final way early. But other than that I don't like it.)

    1. Annie: Thanks! I'm not quite sure if I should enter since it'll be the first draft, but I think its good. I'm giving it some more thought as I write.

      That's right, you finished it! How is the editing coming along?

      Do you have a lot of hard finals? I had a history test too! American history, and I got done an hour before our time was up. It was a pretty easy one.

  2. I would love to go for that! But my novel is way too underdeveloped at the moment.


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