
Monday, June 18, 2012

Critique Giveaway!

So my friend Kelly over at Literary Paths is hosting a critique giveaway. And since I know some of you are writers, I thought to share this with you! Kelly is a great reviewer so you guys don't want to miss out on this chance.

Here's the rules from her blog:
There will be three winners. First winner will receive a full manuscript critique.  Second winner will receive a 100 page manuscript critique.  Third winner will receive a 50 page manuscript critique.

And, if I reach a certain amount of followers, I will add another winner.  Like, if I reach 75 followers, I'll add in another 50 page critique.  More chances for you guys to win a critique.

The manuscript must be YA and written in English.  Winners will be revealed the day after the contest ends.  Each winner will have 72 hours to email me (I'll let you guys know what exactly to do in the post).  Failure to reply will result in the choosing of another winner.  And be warned: I'm going on vacation a few days after the contest ends, so I will have time then to read.  Get your manuscripts in while I have wi-fi (this will be in the winner's post, too).
And you can enter in her post here.  I've already entered.

Good luck!


  1. Too bad I've nothing completed but hopefully I'll get there.
    Nice blog by the way!

    1. You don't have to have anything completed! I'm entering my unfinished novel for her to critique. :)

      And thanks! :D


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