
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blog News- June 2012

So I meant to post this on Sunday, but I saved and closed it, only to forget to post it. But here it is now.

So all last month I entertained the thought of getting rid of the schedule or at least, part of it. But then I realized that if I did so, I'd probably ending up posting a ton of either random stuff every day or writing prompts. So after some thought, I decided to keep it. But if any of you have any opinions on schedules or not, feel free to share.

Last month was busy. 
That's why I didn't post much. But I knew it was going to be a bad month. See I took the ACT, got my wisdom teeth out (more on that later, probably a Friday's post), got a job (I'm a cleaning lady in the evenings now), had my birthday (I'm a year older now!), my cousin got married, I attempted Nanowrimo (failed horribly), and there's probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. But anyways, the point is, after this weekend, I'll be able to (hopefully) post everyday (if not I plan to make some posts ahead of time and see if Blogger will post them).

I not know if I'll be able to post this weekend, mainly because my stepbrother is up and we're going to a cabin with his friends and the rest of my family, so I don't know if I'll get internet access. So we'll see what happens...

Some Links...
Some of these I may have already shared, but I can't remember...
6 Ear Things that Will Improve Your Writing
Write According to Your Mood
7 Tips for Becoming a Better Writer
Top Ten Tips to Help You Write More
25 Ways to Improve Your Writing in 30 Minutes a Day

Shape Poems - 141 Pageviews
In the News- Doggies and Music! - 120 pv
The History and Usage of Codes. - 116 pv
How to Write in Elvish, the Simple Way.  - 66 pv
Writing Prompts- Survival Skills - 60 pv

Resources- 18
Writing Prompts- 15
Archive - 11
Author- 11

Search Keywords
Underwater Camera- 17
Shape Poems- 13
How to write in elvish- 9
Interesting scoliosis facts- 4
cursive poem- 3


Russia- 553
United States- 500
United Kingdom- 73
Canada- 48
Philippines- 32


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