
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wordy Days #3.

(URL source?)
So as I was writing this post, I suddenly realized that I actually know the meaning of quite a few words I used this week for this. And as I realize this, I didn't want to post the words, because I already knew them. But then I realized just because I know what a word means, doesn't meant other people will.

Which brings me to this point. If you're anything like me, you read a lot, and when you've been reading a lot you tend to be able to pick up on the meanings of words easily without ever having looked them up. And this is because you're able to use the context of the sentence or whatever to figure it out.

Which comes in handy but at the same time, its annoying when I'm in English class and the teacher has to explain what ten different words mean just because my classmates can't figure it out by the context, and I've already figured it out.


Words from last week: 

  1. magnanimous- [mag-nan-uh-muhs] adj. 
    1.  Generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
    2. High-minded; noble: a just and magnanimous ruler.
    3. Proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.: a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.
  2. uncouth-  [uhn-kooth]  adj
    1. awkward, clumsy, or unmannerly: uncouth behavior; an uncouth relative who embarrasses the family.
    2. strange and ungraceful in appearance or form.
    3. unusual or strange.
  3. raucous  [raw-kuhs]  Adj
    1. harsh; strident; grating: raucous voices; raucous laughter.
    2. rowdy; disorderly: a raucous party.
  4. finagle  [fi-ney-guhl] verb
    1. verb (used with object)
      1. to trick, swindle, or cheat (a person) (often followed by out of  ): He finagled the backers out of a fortune.
      2. to get or achieve (something) by guile, trickery, or manipulation: to finagle an assignment to the Membership Committee.
    2. verb (used without object)
      1. to practice deception or fraud; scheme.
  5. nefarious  [ni-fair-ee-uhs] adj
    1. extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.
  6. lambaste  [lam-beyst, -bast] verb (used with object)
    1. to beat or whip severely.
    2. to reprimand or berate harshly; censure; excoriate.
      1. Use in a sentence: After Jesus was sentenced, he was lambasted. 
  7. hamartia  [hah-mahr-tee-uh] noun
    1. tragic flaw.
      1. Use in a sentence: Sareh's hamartia was that she worried too much. 
  8. ennui  [ahn-wee, ahn-wee; French ahn-nwee] noun
    1. a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom: The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui.
  9. crepuscular  [kri-puhs-kyuh-ler] adj
    1. of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct.
    2. Zoology . appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects.
      1. Use in a sentence: Through the tree branches, Julia could have sworn it was night even though her watch said it was lunch time in the crepuscular light. 
  10. outmoded  [out-moh-did]  adj
    1. gone out of style; no longer fashionable: outmoded styles.
    2. not acceptable by present standards; no longer usable; obsolete: outmoded dwellings; outmoded teaching methods.

Words for this Week:

    1. archaic  [ahr-key-ik]  adj
      1. marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated: an archaic manner; an archaic notion.
      2. (of a linguistic form) commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present-day usage except to suggest the older time, as in religious rituals or historical novels. Examples: thou; wast; methinks; forsooth.
      3. forming the earliest stage; prior to full development: the archaic period of psychoanalytic research.
      4. ( often initial capital letter  ) pertaining to or designating the style of the fine arts, especially painting and sculpture, developed in Greece from the middle 7th to the early 5th century b.c., chiefly characterized by an increased emphasis on the human figure in action, naturalistic proportions and anatomical structure, simplicity of volumes, forms, or design, and the evolution of a definitive style for the narrative treatment of subject matter. 
      5. primitive; ancient; old: an archaic form of animal life.
    2. doyen  [doi-en, doi-uhn; French dwa-yan]  
      1. the senior member, as in age, rank, or experience, of a group, class, profession, etc.
    3. abject  [ab-jekt, ab-jekt]  adj
      1. utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched: abject poverty.
      2. contemptible; despicable; base-spirited: an abject coward.
      3. shamelessly servile; slavish.
      4. Obsolete . cast aside.
    4. segue  [sey-gwey, seg-wey] verb, se·gued, se·gue·ing, noun
      1. verb (used without object)
        1. to continue at once with the next musical section or composition (often used as a musical direction).
        2. to perform in the manner of the preceding section (used as a musical direction).
        3. to make a transition from one thing to another smoothly and without interruption: The conversation segued from travel anecdotes to food.
      2. noun
        1. an uninterrupted transition made between one musical section or composition and another.
        2. any smooth, uninterrupted transition from one thing to another.
    5. languid  [lang-gwid]  adj
      1. lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow: a languid manner.
      2. lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent.
      3. drooping or flagging from weakness or fatigue; faint.
    6. astute  [uh-stoot, uh-styoot]  adj
      1. of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.
      2. clever; cunning; ingenious; shrewd: an astute merchandising program; an astute manipulation of facts.
    7. sagacious  [suh-gey-shuhs] adj
      1. having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: a sagacious lawyer.
      2. Obsolete . keen of scent.
    8. du jour  [duh zhoor, doo; French dy zhoor]  noun
      1. as prepared on the particular day; of the kind being served today: The soup du jour is split pea.
      2. fashionable; current: environmentalism and other issues du jour.
    9. nexus  [nek-suhs] noun, plural nex·us·es, nex·us.
      1. a means of connection; tie; link.
      2. a connected series or group.
      3. the core or center, as of a matter or situation.
      4. Cell Biology . a specialized area of the cell membrane involved in intercellular communication and adhesion.
    10. incredulous  [in-krej-uh-luhs] adj
      1. not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical.
      2. indicating or showing unbelief: an incredulous smile.

    * The underline, bold faced words are links in case its really hard to tell. 


    P.S I would love to see you guys use some of these words in sentences below in the comments! Or if anything, suggest new words for me to share and learn!

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