
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Funny And Cool Packaging Pictures from Pinterest

Here's a whole bunch of either funny, cool, or weird packaging I'd thought I'd share. As a design student, I've been pinning a whole bunch of inspirational pictures to my Pinterest Design Board

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link

Pinterest Link
Found on Pinterest, linked back to here


  1. OMG! I love these. Especially the tea bag closet thing. I definitely need one of those lol.

    I always wonder how people come up with such awesome advertising ideas. I could never do that. Some of these are brilliant.

    That pizza hack should be used everywhere. Pizza eating would be a lot cleaner lol!

  2. Same here! lol

    Oh same here! Even as a design student, some of these blow me with their creativity. I'd like to create things like this some day.

    Haha, that's what I was thinking!

    Thanks for commenting!

    1. You're studying design? I'm uber-jealous!

      No probs :D

    2. Yeah I am! I'm a design student and a journalism major too. :) But the design aspect is really fun! Our classes are super awesome!


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