
Friday, June 13, 2014

Sharing Days! 6/13/14

Random articles, Music and Media

  • I found a new (Its actually old but new to me) song by BOA called "Hurricane Venus".
    • This post written by Lauren DeStefano about "manic pixie dream girls" and how girls can be girls and not an object to be attained. 
    • A map that shows the entire world in stereotypes. 
    • Studying is really hard when this happens: 
      If this doesn't illustrate studying, I don't know what does.
      Can she just absorb it for me and give me the knowledge?

    Posts from Around the Web about Books

    Articles Dealing with Amazon's Bullying
    Articles dealing with YA
    In the News

    P.S I know I'm posting on Friday the 13th, but you guys believe in any superstitions? 



    1. Aw, thanks for the mention, sweetie. I'm glad you enjoyed the post that I wrote ^_^

      1. Your welcome! :) Yeah it was really good, so I couldn't help but to share it!


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