
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blog News- August Issue

Happy September! 
With most of us in our first week or so of school, life gets busy. And along with the change of a new school year comes some changes to this blog. In this newsletter, I'll give you a short overview of some changes or updates in case you've missed anything. I've also provided a fun look at the top 5 stats of this blog.

Blog News:
Welcome New Members!
Welcome new members who have joined in the month of August! We love seeing your friendly avie there in the follower box! Last month we had a total of ninteen and this month we jumped to twenty-four.

Posting Schedule:
As I'm sure at least one of you noticed, I am now posting on Wedensdays and Jessika is posting only on Sundays now. Also, Mondays have gone to just book reviews due to the fact that I am busy with school. Tuesdays shall also now have a Disscussion post where I post your comments (anoymously if you'd like) to the Disscussion topic. If there is no answers to the topic or question, I won't post anything for that one. In the comments section of the post, I'd love to hear even more of your thoughts about it or get more suggestions for topics and questions. Your opinion matters to us!

Also due to the fact that school has started, I may or not be able to post. I shall try my best to post as often as I can, but there is not gareentees.

Wanted- Suggestions 
Did you recently come across an interesting article or piece of news? Do you have a favorite picture/video that inspires you or you think is just awesome? Is there a great site you visit all the time? Or do you have a great idea for a blog post or a topic you would like to see discussed? If you have a suggestion for something or maybe you would even like to do/see a blog post on something, please let me know though either the facebook page, the contact form at the bottom of the About page, or by emailing me (email address at the bottom of the About page).

Reminders from last month:
Resource Tab
Because it's already getting pretty long and so far I've only added books and websites to it, I was wondering if I should add a category for individual pages? I'm not sure if this new category would be organized at all. So what do you think?

Wanted- Writing Ideas and Prompts
My brain isn't great with coming up good ideas, so if you have any writing prompts or ideas you'd like to share, please do so! Or maybe you have a funny story or something random/cool, that works too. Maybe a picture or video?

Yes! We finally have a facebook page! If you haven't liked it so far, please do so! Remember that you can post suggestions and other stuff on it if you'd like but just remember to keep it clean and safe. No swearing or anything with offensive stuff. I'll try my best to keep it updated with blog posts from here and news or whatever else.

Stats...because I think you might find these interesting.
These are arranged by top five.

Members: 24
Public: 24
Private: 24

Post Views:
The History and Usage of Codes.: 46
How to Get Away with a Love Triangle.: 46
Wings (Wings #1) [by Apirlynne Pike]: 29
The Liebster Blog Award: 26
Movie Review- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: 21

Page Views:
Post Archive: 22
About: 12
resources: 8
Writing Prompts: 4

Referring Sites: 180 32 20 17 16
Wow! That's alot of googles!

Search Keywords:
secret code alphabet: 5
books: 3
pigpen chiper: 3
pigpen code: 3
shape poems: 3

Pageviews based on countries: 
United States: 973
United Kingdom: 51
Netherlands: 51
India: 33
Australia: 24

Pageviews (Browsers):
Chrome: 629 (47%)
Internet Explorer: 324 (24%)
Safari: 167 (12%)
Firefox: 158 (11%)
Mobile Safari: 24 (1%)

Pageviews (operating System):
Windows: 1,079 (81%)
Macintosh: 74 (5%)
Iphone: 61 (4%)
Linux: 36 (2%)
Ipod: 36 (2%)

Post(s) with the most comments:
In 1988...: 5 comments
The Liebster Blog Award: 5 comments

So, did you enjoy this month's newsletter? Do you think something could be changed or added?

Thank you so much for reading this blog!

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Any comments with profanity or comments that are hurtful/ mean will be removed. We appreciate hearing your thoughts. Remember, if you wouldn't say it to someone's face please do not say it on the internet.