
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blog News- July 2012

In the News
I've been thinking a lot about this a lot, and I've determined that from now on, when I do "In the News" on Tuesdays, I'll either talk about one news article in particular, or I'll do my regular way and sum up the article. I'll also include a writing article if I can find something interesting. It might be a blog post or an actually writing related post on the news. Remember guys that you are free to submit news to me and on Tuesdays, I'll blog about it.

So maybe you're getting something published, or there's something interesting going on that you think people should know about. Or maybe you saw something interesting on the news that you'd like to see me blog about. If you'd like to submit something, you can either submit it by going to the contact form under "about me" or you can put it in the comments any day of the week. Although, I may or may not always blog about your suggestion because of some reason or the other- I'll let you know if I accept it or not via comments or email. 

Camp Nanowrimo Time!
So National Novel Writing Month is going on this month (I think I've blogged about this before), and I know I'm doing it. For those of you not familiar with it, Nanowrimo is when you try to write a 50,000 word novel in the course of one month. Its usually only in November, but now they have summer "camps" in August and June. I tried to do it June, but I didn't get very far. I'm doing better this month though. For this month, I'm writing Those Crazy Years, a Steampunk 1920s novel involving spies, showgirls, singers, dancers, crime lords, and all sorts of fun stuff! You can join Camp Nanowrimo and start today but going to its website.

Some Links
How to make more time for writing.
5 things all writers can learn from Taylor Swift.
5 creative flaws.
Three writing tools I can't live without.
3 notebooks every writer should keep.

How to Write in Elvish, the Simple Way- 81 pageviews
The History and Usage of Codes- 80 pgs
Poetry- Shape Poems- 67 pgs
In the News- Doggies and music!- 62 pgs
The History of the Photo- 22 pgs

About the Author- 12 pgs
Writing Prompts and Ideas- 11 pgs
Resources- 5 pgs
Post Archive- 2 pgs

Search Keywords
how to write in elvish- 9
underwater camera- 7
how to write a good love triange- 5
shape poems- 5
japanese metal tessen fans- 4

United States- 520 pgs
Russia- 247 pgs
United Kingdom- 75 pgs
India- 26 pgs
Philippines- 25 pgs


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